"Let them Eat Steak" at the newest gallery in Pomona, 5IFTYBUCKS GALLERY.
Originally in L.A. 5IFTYBUCKS GALLERY has seen many venues, and mostly in Pomona. Artist Rolo Castillo along with wife, Terry have successfully run the gallery and brought much energy and excitement to the Pomona Arts Colony. After L.A. the gallery moved to 2nd St. by the corner of Park Avenue, where it spent many years hosting some of the greatest shows in Colony history. Then later it visited Antique Row and was located next to Locust Plaza, now it has it’s new home on one of Pomona’s busiest streets, Holt Avenue. It is right along side the American Legion on the corner of Gibbs, one block East of Garey at 213 E. Holt Ave.
Where do they get all the energy? Along with 5IFTYBUCKS, Rolo and Terry have also successfully revitalized the dA Center for the Arts as Curator and Director. In the past, they also created 51Buckingham which was located at “The Vault” building and later moved to Taco Nazo. Popztlan was their gallery and home on the corner of 3rd and Main, and now this!? We love the energy these two bring to the Colony, it has been a motivation for us all to “GET UP OFF YOUR BUTT!”
So What’s in store for this Saturday?
Amy Bystedt and Sally Egan have both been photographers for over ten years, and have been friends for longer. They have always wanted to do a collaborative piece and now got the perfect opportunity when approached by Rolo. “Let Them Eat Steak” is a series of self-portraits in which the Artists portray themselves in common social situations while using the idea of the classic American snapshot to exaggerate these familiar activities.
Amy and Sally will both be on hand and ready to eat steak. The American Legion, being a great neighbor, is hosting a steak dinner. The dinner is from 5:30 – 7:30pm and is only $8. So get there early and get there hungry.
If that wasn’t enough on your plate, our Mayor will be on hand for a ribbon cutting ceremony at 5pm kicking off the opening of our newest gallery 5IFTYBUCKS.
-Juan and Susie
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