get the lowdown on what's happening in the Pomona Arts Colony
Sunday, December 12, 2010
December Art Walk and Christmas Parade 2010
The Downtown Pomona Holiday Parade kicked off this months Second Saturday. It was a great parade with lots of participants and a huge crowd gathered along the streets of Downtown Pomona. We were represented in the "for of a Blog float" with, complete with matching shirts, a banner and a decorated truck. Some of the other colony peeps, were the dA Gallery and Metro Pomona. The parade lasted just under two hours and was a huge success with great weather and a huge turnout of people, should be even better next year. On to Second Saturday, there were tons of people out doing the art walk on a perfect night. dA Gallery changed things up with their Artisan Holiday Sale. SCA Gallery produced a great show with work from it's members. At Bunny Gunner we had the photographs of Max S. Gerber and had a great opening with a relaxing atmosphere. Next door, the newly opened EVE Gallery featured a show titled "Christ Vs. Claus". Metro Gallery, the hosts of the parade, exhibited the slick paintings of Alex Couwenberg with his "Over the Years" show. There were many more shows that night and they can be viewed here. There will be no Last Saturday this month due to Christmas, so see you in January! Photo credits: Denis Thorp, Richard Nunez, Juan and Susie Thorp
Great pictures. Great Time!~!
Thank you DPOA! we all had a great time!
Already looking forward to the next parade...
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