It's June and it's another great Art Walk. I have written before about the colony growing, and it's happening again. Two new spaces this time, Joseph Todorovitch's Studio and Lucha Gallery. Both new additions to the "West Side" of the Colony. I didn't get a chance to get out that far, but I heard lots of good things. The attendance to the west side of the Colony seems to have doubled. That's great for everyone as it shows people are starting to realize the Colony is larger than they first expected. Another highlight was the addition of the SCA and dA Arts Colony Store. They had art, clothes, and other stuff for sale. It's the start of something we have needed for a long time. Stop by sometime and see what they have. Check out the slideshow to see what else was going on.
1 day ago
The increase in the west side appears to be a direct result of Ashley's editorial in the DB. Congratulations to all out there and a special thanks to Ashely for getting the word out.
We can only get better.
Thanks, John!
But in all modesty, it is the combined efforts of many elements, including: the LUCHA gallery (along with 475 Gallery who helped bridge the gap over to the far west Colony), the return of Steve and Cori Ruiz (the Blue Core gallery), the opening of Joseph Todorovitch's studio, the steadfast efforts of Fr. Bill, Lisa Cabrera, and Ross Ceramics; notices on the Arts Colony and Metro Pomona Blogs; and all the others who support their neighbors in our growing community!
Thank-you, all!
I'm collecting survey responses now for my Urban Planning Grad Thesis on artist colonies. Please follow this link:
Tom - Cal Poly
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