Monday, June 14, 2010

Pomona Arts Colony June Artwalk 2010

It was second Saturday again and it was a great night. Starting down at the west end, Foggy Windows Gallery had an eighty's cartoon art show with band playing. AC Projects showed the work of Tom Pathe, Whitney Hanlon, Michael Woodcock and others. Blue Core had the mosaic art of Cathy Garcia and I heard she sold a few too. Closer to home, Ink'd Chronicles had their annual "Every tattoo has a story" photography show and benefit. We at Bunny Gunner had a solo show for Jay Merryweather with his paintings and sculptures. SCA had a Lansdcape group show curated by Bob Pece that was reviewed in the IE Weekly. As a new addition to the galleries, La Bomba Vintage featured the works of Leia Steingart. The dA Center for the Arts pulled out all the stops by painting all the gallery walls black, blocking out the windows and lighting the entire space with black lights. All the art was painted in luminescent paint and glowed brightly. In the basement there was also whole room painted out in glowing color.
Slideshow follows and video to follow:
Video Credit: Linda Allen, Ed Pruitt
Photo credit: Jill Carol, Richard Nunez, Denis Thorp, Susie and Juan Thorp

1 comment:

  1. Oh man! Looks like I missed the opportunity to see those beautiful yarn creatures again. I fell in love with the deer at a show in Santa Ana. I'll keep an eye our for them downtown.
