Friday, March 13, 2009
Art Show to benefit local organizations who help people in the midst of changing their lives.
"RHYTHYMS: Vessel Forms by Patricia Ferber and 'Small Pleasures' by Ingrid Lilligren"
Bunny Gunner Gallery, March 14 - April 8, 2009.
Patricia Ferber is an established southern California ceramic sculptor and will be showing ceramic vessels and "Spiral Vessels", a new direction in her work over the past year and a half. Technically challenging, the artists says "they giving me inspiration in the continuation of my clay endeavors".
Ingrid Lilligren teaches at Iowa State University in Ames and is a southern California ex-patriot. 120 of her "Small Pleasures", created one a day over the course of one year's time from dry pastels and eggshells will be installed in the gallery. She is using all proceeds from sales to benefit local organizations who help people in the midst of changing their lives.
Ferber is primarily a sculptor who works in varied media. Encompassed are clay pieces, paintings, as well as large architectural and environmental landscape works. About her ceramic work she says, "Ceramics involves me in a cathartic process tapping my creative potential to a greater extent than any other media utilized. During this process the clay serves as an extension of my imago mundi". Further work may be viewed at
When Lilligren began the project that resulted in 243 "Small Pleasures" she settled on a strict format: a 7" x 7" square with a centered circle of 4 _". By working with limited materials; dry pastel surrounding the circle where the eggshells are contained she was able to "explore what it would feel like to do the same thing over and over". In addition, the artist explained, "You get very creative when you limit yourself". More work at
The exhibit runs from March 14 - April 8, 2009. Opening reception will be during the Second Saturday Artwalk, March 14 from 6 to 9pm and a Last Saturday reception will be on March 28 from 6 - 9pm.
Gallery hours are Tuesday - Saturday from 10am - 7pm. Phone - 909-868-2808;
Saturday, March 7, 2009
FDA Approves Depressant Drug For The Annoyingly Cheerful
Made by Pfizer, Despondex is the first drug designed to treat the symptoms of excessive perkiness.